Thursday 15 July 2010

Personal response to "Rise in ethnic minority students at UK universities"

I read an article entitled Rise in ethnic minority students at UK universities yesterday in BBC. The article said that in 2007-08, there are 16% of people (studying at UK) from black, Asian or minority ethnic background. It is found that there are only one out of 10 people from ethnic minorities studying at Oxford University and Cambridge University. The study also found that ethnic minorities were excluded from labor markets. U.S. National Science Foundation said that 44% of the UK black Caribbean young men, only 16% of people can have a chance to go to the University.

Ethnic has been widely discussed. Despite this democratic peace of society is still inevitable unfair treatment. This article called for providing financial support to help Russell Group university minority students’ alumni fund to provide minority representation. I think that higher education institutions should help and receive more minority students.

Although the state and the Foundation also have a lot of work to solve the problem of low minority students, but I believe that because more and more people will concern about the black and ethnic minority students, these issues will be solved. It is hoped that the new media appeal to more people’s attention to the blacks and minority ethnic students in order to solve the problem of inequality.

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